Great Game!
Is it just me or do you always save your country for last?
Great Game!
Is it just me or do you always save your country for last?
My reply to you reviewers
To the letter bomb guy, we were gonna do that and if there is a number 2 then it will be in there, same with all your good ideas!
does this take age in to account? meh whatever i'm a semi of 138 or something
this game is what gaming is about, it is beauty in game form "angel noises"
i got 30 bucks :)
Very fun, very addicting
As the title says this is a very fun game, I like the fact you can level up but in a number 2 could you make it so when you level up your guy changes?
to all the brainless people
this is an "interactive movie" also it may not be the best but it still is cool and the money goes to charity right?
ART! (lol)
I just made it so the right arrow was being press all the time after awhile...
Animation / Graphics - Great Pixel Art you really captured the feel of it!
Story - a FUNNY story and lots of possibilities
Audio - Nice Vacation tune
Overall - Is very good but you need medals!
- Please Respond, Jet
...Some glitches to fix
you can keep on jumping if you hold down up
i got fast enough on the bonus level and fell through the floor/wall
you can cheat by right clicking
other wise nice try!
please respond
i thought there were no gliches on the boness stage
Everyone has the same amount of intelligence it's how you use it that matters
Joined on 9/29/09